The International Scout Symposium on Sustainable Development and Climate Change Held in Baku

From January 4 to 6, 2025, Baku hosted the International Scout Symposium on Sustainable Development and Climate Change. Organized by the Azerbaijan Scouts Association (ASA), the event was implemented with the financial support of the Azerbaijan Youth Foundation and in partnership with the National Assembly of Youth Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan (NAYORA). The symposium brought together scouts and young leaders from Azerbaijan, Turkey, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Hungary.

The event commenced with the National Anthem of Azerbaijan, followed by a moment of silence to honor the memory of the country’s martyrs, National Leader Heydar Aliyev, and the crew and passengers of the Aktau plane crash. ASA Chairman Ilyas Ismayilli delivered an opening speech, highlighting ASA’s initiatives in sustainable development and climate change and wishing participants success.

The main objective of the International Scout Symposium on Sustainable Development and Climate Change was to equip young leaders and scouts with the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to raise awareness about combating climate change. The event aimed to foster youth as environmental leaders and enhance their participation in addressing ecological challenges.

Participants shared successful environmental projects and exchanged experiences. Through this initiative, ASA sought to support scouts in presenting solutions to environmental issues on both local and global levels. The symposium also enhanced participants’ project management skills and fostered a collaborative environment for achieving the SDGs.

Throughout the symposium, various sessions and panel discussions were held. Tabriz Hasanov led discussions on the “Role of Scouts in Advancing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).” ASA National Training Commissioner Joanna Ismayilli conducted training on aligning SDG-focused scouting activities with Development Support and Humanitarian Training (DSHT) programs. National Committee member Zamin Mammadov gave an in-depth presentation on Azerbaijan’s achievements within the “Earth Tribe” program.

On the second day, Leyla Tagizade’s session on “Adaptive Strategies for Ecological Stress” stood out. The day continued with Saadat Aghayeva’s presentation titled “Mobilizing Youth for a Greener Future” and a panel discussion on “Youth as Climate Leaders: Empowering the Next Generation of Environmental Advocates,” moderated by ASA International Commissioner Kamil Fataliyev.

On the final day, Oruc Bayramov delivered a presentation titled “Baku Breakthrough: Scouts as Promoters of Climate Action,” emphasizing the role of scouts in addressing climate issues on international platforms and sharing Azerbaijan’s experiences at events like COP28 and COP29.

The closing session focused on designing sustainable initiatives for climate action and development. This session was presented by Elnur Arifzade, National Youth Program Commissioner. Additionally, Guldana Dadashova, Deputy Chairperson of NAYORA, highlighted the role of youth in promoting climate action and the SDGs in her presentation, “Leveraging Youth Councils for Climate Action and SDGs Advocacy.”

The symposium reaffirmed the critical role of youth initiatives in building a greener and more sustainable future. Sessions throughout the event emphasized the importance of international partnerships in addressing global ecological challenges. The three-day event concluded with a group photo of participants, symbolizing solidarity and a shared commitment to sustainable development goals.

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